Wall Protective Coating

walls before protective coatingProtecting walls from bacterial growth, gouges, scrapes and chips is just as important as installing a seamless floor coating. The wall protective coating and antimicrobial protection, can be formulated depending on the type of protection needed by your industry.

  • reinforced wall system: a flexible wall system protects from impacts on the wall. If the wall is impacted by a cart, the protective wall coating acts as a cushion minimizing gouges, chips and scrapes.
  • fiberglass strand system or fiberglass laminate system: fiberglass reinforcement can be incorporated directing into the wall coating for a more durable application. The fiberglass laminate system has the longest service life featuring a multi-layer fiberglass application.

walls after protective coating installedWall protective coatings are used most commonly in production areas, food manufacturing, pharmaceutical plants, chemical plants, hospitals and beverage facilities where you need:

  • sanitation: stands up to frequent wash downs with a wide variety of sanitation chemicals and detergents
  • nonporous surface: our wall solutions provide a protective barrier from porous concrete materials keeping microbes from growing and spreading
  • waterproof: nothing gets past our walls and floors: moisture, water, chemicals
  • impact resistant: hit the walls, drop something on the floor, our solutions are designed to be resilient against the various bumps and scrapes in your facility.
  • antimicrobial: prevent the growth of microbes

Integrate your floors and walls together for a unified application with Concare. Contact us today.